RFK Jr. in New TV Ads for Clinton


Robert Kennedy Jr., stars in a new Clinton ad.


From the Associated Press

AD #1 

TITLE: “Bobby”

LENGTH: 30 seconds

AIRING: California, Massachusetts, New York and Arizona

SCRIPT: (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) My father tried to be a voice for the most alienated and disenfranchised members of our society — from Watts, to Appalachia, to the migrant farm workers. Today, Hillary Clinton is the champion of the voiceless in our society. That’s the kind of leadership we need in the White House — leadership that will represent the people’s interests and not the special interests.

(Hillary Clinton) I’m Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.

KEY IMAGES: Black and white photos of Robert F. Kennedy, intercut with his son, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., speaking directly to camera. Scenes of Clinton campaigning and hugging black and Hispanic voters.

ANALYSIS: With rival Barack Obama winning the backing this week of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy, the Clinton campaign moved swiftly to feature another high-profile Kennedy endorsement, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He’s the namesake and spitting image of his father, a New York senator turned Democratic presidential candidate assassinated 40 years ago.

With Ted and Caroline Kennedy anointing Obama a modern-day John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy Jr. makes a powerful case for Clinton as the rightful heir to his own father’s legacy of caring for those less fortunate.

AD #2

TITLE: “Dignity”

LENGTH: 30 seconds

AIRING: California, Massachusetts, New York, Arizona

SCRIPT: (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) My father tried to be a voice for the most alienated and disenfranchised members of our society — from Appalachia to the migrant farm workers.

(Cesar L. Chavez) Robert Kennedy helped my grandfather, Cesar Chavez, achieve justice and dignity for farm workers.

(Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) Today, Hillary Clinton is the champion of the voiceless in our society.

(Cesar L. Chavez) Hillary knows how to solve our problems to get things done.

(Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) We need leadership in the White House that represents the people’s interests and not the special interests.

(Hillary Clinton) I’m Hillary Clinton and I approved this message.

KEY IMAGES: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cesar Chavez’s grandson, Cesar L. Chavez, speaking directly to camera, intercut with black and white photos of the elder Kennedy and Chavez together. Images of Clinton campaigning, hugging black and Hispanic adults and children.

ANALYSIS: A direct appeal to Hispanic voters who have been among her strongest supporters, Clinton wins a strong endorsement from the grandson of Chavez, the legendary founder of the United Farm Workers union. Clinton has been endorsed by the UFW and by Dolores Huerta, who co-founded the union with Chavez.

Both this ad and the “Bobby” ad emphasize a theme Clinton has tried to stress on the campaign trail — that she will give voice to people overlooked in society. She often says how such people are “invisible” to President Bush but will not be invisible to her if she’s elected president.


Analysis by Associated Press writer Beth Fouhy


Filed under election 2008, hillary clinton, media, politics, RFK, RFK Jr., robert f. kennedy, robert kennedy jr., senator robert kennedy, the kennedys, Uncategorized

4 responses to “RFK Jr. in New TV Ads for Clinton

  1. Pingback: James

  2. Pingback: RFK Jr. Rocks

  3. michael seratt

    i just saw rfk jr.s ad invoking his father’s name for hillary clinton. i believe she in particular will carry forward the rfk legacy. i just attended a rally in l.a. today with hillary clinton. i was moved to tears and prayed that the spirit of rfk was with us there. this race for me is a dilema however. i also attended a rally on fri. at e. l.a.city college with sen. ted kennedy and i was excited and moved by the fact that rfk stood on the same platform nearly 40 years ago. and coroline kennedy will be at ucla tomorrow. this feels like jfk running against rfk to me. it’s tough love. i hope we can all pull toghether when the primaries are over. it’s time for the keepers of the dream to take back america and we willl.

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