Daily Archives: April 10, 2008

Ventura: Kennedy Should Quit the Democrats and Run With Me

Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura again fanned the flames of speculation about a possible independent presidential run in 2008 during a recent interview on Fox.

He told Hannity & Colmes that “if Robert Kennedy quit the Democrats to run with me, it would be very powerful.”

He added that he had Mr. Kennedy’s permission to include the scenario of a potential Ventura/Kennedy ticket in his new book, Don’t Start The Revolution Without Me.

Unfortunately, the scenario in Ventura’s book, while fictionalized, doesn’t turn out too well.

He envisions a run for the presidency with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as his running mate. As the popularity of this independent populist presidential ticket surges in the polls, threatening the leads of Senators John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, all hell breaks loose.

Terror attacks are launched on five major American cities, President Bush bombs Iran, declares martial law and postpones the November election. Bush informs the public that “dissent will not be tolerated” and that troops have orders to “shoot on sight” anyone who violates nightly curfews. Then Jesse Ventura is shot by a crazed lone gunman while leading a group of demonstrators to the White House (Kennedy thankfully, is not hit). The last page finds Jesse clinging to life after his fourth day comatose…he leaves the reader to guess how the story ends.

In the Fox News interview (as he has in all recent interviews), Ventura calls the JFK Assassination an “inside job,” and also questions the government’s official story about the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Here’s the video:

VIDEO URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lUhVFpwhgE


Filed under election 2008, media, politics, RFK Jr., robert kennedy jr., Uncategorized