Tag Archives: Bush crime family

We’re launching another new blog! Check out “The Magic Bullet”

We’re proudly announcing the launch of yet another *new* blog! Thanks to contributing editor Jack Mosel for the idea and our founding editor, New Frontier, for the name and concept of the our latest site, THE MAGIC BULLET. We hope you will check it out and become an active participant in the debates there.  Right now, we’re just getting the site up off the ground, so please help us grow by telling a few friends about it and add our link to your blogrolls!

About the Magic Bullet

The founding fathers (and mothers!) of this blog met each other through a shared interest in the conspiracy research movement, particularly the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations and the events of September 11, 2001.

We are proud Americans who love our country, but hate what we see happening to it. Though our own individual journeys of study and discovery, we all came to the same conclusion: that the same dark cabal of conspirators was responsible for the deaths of King and the Kennedys, as well as 3,000 innocent Americans on 9/11 – and that furthermore, this conspiracy actually has been in existence for hundreds of years, dating back to the earliest days of our Republic.

Our editorial team, comprised of Jack Mosel (senior editor), Tiger Haynes and New Frontier (contributing editors), all met while blogging on the various Kennedy-oriented websites founded by New Frontier. The idea recently came up to start a new blog where we could discuss other subjects that were not directly related to the Kennedys, and THE MAGIC BULLET was born.

Why THE MAGIC BULLET, you ask? 

It’s simply a metaphor for “official” government cover stories (i.e. lies). Whenever governments perform an act of terrorism or a massive hoax on their own people, they always offer up a “magic bullet theory” – such as the Warren and 9/11 Commissions — some nice, convenient little way to tie up the loose ends and make it all sound like it was just a perfect coincidence, a “magic” bullet, if you will.
The idea of a blog called THE MAGIC BULLET is to de-construct those official myths and instead present the TRUTH. Ideally, this site will feature articles that are deeply researched, passionately written…and above all, THOUGHT-PROVOKING! The kinds of stories that stir debate and encourage readers to agree, disagree, and/or offer up their own version of historical events and yes, conspiracy theories, too.
Here we will endeavor not just to cover cover current events, but we want to help readers come to a better understanding of our history as well. We will examine critical events in American history, and present an “alternate” or “buried” version of the FACTS, not the HYPE or COVER STORY.
For example – here are just a few upcoming stories we’re working on:
  • Did America really win the Revolutionary War, or are we still secretly being controlled by our “mothership,” Great Britain? 
  • Was the Civil War really fought to free the slaves? Or was it about usurpation of state’s rights?
  • Why was President McKinley assassinated?
  • What REALLY caused the Great Depression?
  • Is the Federal Reserve really Federal, and does it have a Reserve?
  • Why do we have a Federal Income Tax, and are we as individuals required to pay it?
  • Why was it necessary for the USA to become involved in WWI and WWII, when both were “Europe’s wars?”
  • Why did we go into Korea and Vietnam? Was it to stop the spread of communism as they say, or to make arms manufacturers rich?
  • What useful purpose does the United Nations serve? Is it a plot for global government or a benevolent organization that strives to save the world from itself?
  • Did Sirhan Sirhan really kill RFK all by his lonesome, or did he have help? If so, who else was involved and why haven’t they been caught?
  • Was JFK Jr.’s plane crash really “pilot error”? Or something more sinister?
  • Are the Bushes really Nazis?
  • Where’s Osama?
And of course…..last but certainly not least:
  • Was 9/11 an inside job?
These are just a few stories we’re currently developing, subjects that have always intrigued us, questions about our past that we  still research actively and seek answers to. We’d like to share our findings with others and encourage them to dig deeper; do more seeking on their own; to think independently and not just swallow whatever version of events their government gives them as fact.
There is so much more going on in the world today than meets the eye, so much more to history than what is in our history books. Or what they teach in school. We have to teach each other and educate OURSELVES, because there ain’t no such thing as a MAGIC BULLET! It’s all a myth and a dirty lie!!!!
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy…”
— William Shakespeare, Hamlet


Filed under impeach Bush, JFK, JFK Jr., John F. Kennedy, john f. kennedy jr., media, politics, president kennedy, RFK, RFK Jr., robert f. kennedy, robert kennedy jr., senator robert kennedy, texas, the kennedys, Uncategorized