Tag Archives: St. Paul Police

RFK Jr: “The Bill of Rights is Not a Luxury”

In this 13-minute video clip, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gives an interview to Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman (who is back in the fight after her arrest at the RNC last week) in which he says, among other things, that…



A day after Ted Kennedy addressed the Democratic convention in Denver, the Kennedys gathered at the historic Brown Palace Hotel in Denver to remember another Kennedy, Ted’s brother, Robert F. Kennedy. He was assassinated forty years ago, the night he won the Los Angeles Democratic primary. After the event, I sat down with Robert F. Kennedy’s son, environmental attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. He spoke about torture, impeachment and the most poignant memories of his father.

Click here to watch the streaming video of this interview with Bobby at Democracy Now’s website. You can also listen to the audio, and read the complete rush transcript.

While you’re there, please consider making a financial contribution to Democracy Now. Since they are now facing FELONY RIOT CHARGES (who knew that journalists covering political conventions incited riots?) over the RNC incident, they need your help now more than ever.

Please show your support for the First Amendment, and join the growing army of concerned Americans like RFK Jr. who say: “The Bill of Rights is NOT a luxury we can no longer afford!”

We need to send a strong message that arresting journalists, activists, peace groups and organizations like I-Witness who monitor police misconduct is UNACCEPTABLE in America. This is not Communist China!

While we’re at it, let’s send a message to Washington that it’s not too late to get impeachment back “on the table.” As Kennedy says in the interview above, “we need to impeach these people as a civics lesson.”

Take action. Today! Like now, already. What are you waiting for?

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Filed under election 2008, hillary clinton, impeach Bush, John F. Kennedy, media, politics, president kennedy, RFK, RFK Jr., robert f. kennedy, robert kennedy jr., senator robert kennedy, the kennedys, Uncategorized